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Participated projects: Welcome



Geotechnical characterization of potentially capable tectonic structures 

SOGIN / University of Insubria

In collaboration with SOGIN, the State owned Company responsible for the decommissioning of Italian nuclear plants and the management of radioactive waste, capable faults were characterized and described through GIS softwares and scientific literature according to ITHACA database (Italy Hazards from CApable faulting), in order to drive in-situ investigations and to describe the tectonic setting of an area.


Morphobathimetric survey between Sirmione and San Vigilio (Lake Garda) 

University of Insubria

Multibeam morphobatimetry data were collected in the South of Lake Garda between the peninsulas of San Vigilio and Sirmione, wider project with the aim to increase knowledge about active tectonics and seismic hazard in Italy (INGV-DPC S1 Project).


Tectonic characterization of “Gonfolite Lombarda” backthrust

Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

Geological, structural, and geomorphological survey in the area between Lake Maggiore and Lake Como, in order to describe Quaternary movements along the Gonfolite Lombarda backthrust. Data interpretation and analysis through GIS softwares.


Tectonic characterization of the area between Val Trompia and Lake Garda

Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

Geological, structural, and geomorphological survey in the area between Val Trompia and Lake  Garda, in order to describe Quaternary movements along the major tectonic structures. Data interpretation and analysis through GIS softwares.


Pollino “seismic crisis”, geophysical analysis

Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

Field geological survey and geophysical analysis (reflection seismic, refraction seismic) during the “seismic crisis” of Pollino area (Calabria, Italy, 2012) in order to characterize potential movements along the fault planes.


Como Drilling Project 

University of Insubria

Stratigraphic and sedimentary characterization of Como city area through two deep boreholes. 14C datings performed, undisturbed samples for laboratory analysis (penetration tests, granulometry, pollens) collected.


Emilia earthquakes (2012) 

University of Insubria

Analysing, describing and mapping through GIS softwares the environmental effects of Emilia earthquakes (Italy) as field geologist, according to ESI scale (Environmental Seismic Intensity scale).


L'Aquila earthquake (2009) - geotechnical and geophysical analysis 


A multi-scale non-linear controlled-source tomography across the Aterno basin between the Paganica fault and the Bazzano Ridge, led after the L'Aquila earthquake (Italy) allowed to characterize the structural setting of the area. 


L'Aquila earthquake (2009) – field geologist 

University of Insubria

Analysing, describing and mapping through GIS softwares the environmental effects of L'Aquila earthquake (Italy) as field geologist, according to ESI scale (Environmental Seismic Intensity scale).


CARG Project 

University of Insubria

In charge of geological surveys of an area for CARG project (CARtografia Geologica – geological mapping of Italy),sheet n°75 “Como”. Mapping and interpreting field geological data (outcrops, tectonic structures) through GIS softwares.


Monte Netto site characterization 

University of Insubria

Exceptional scientific results have been achieved by the characterization of Monte Netto site (Brescia) where, for the first time in the Po plain (epicentral area of 1222 earthquake, Io = IX-X MCS), evidence of seismic-induced surface faulting and paleo-liquefaction were described through a multi-disciplinary approach.



Participated projects: Text
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